Coffee Cuppings in English
Cupping is the term used for professional coffee tasting. This follows a global standard set by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and World Coffee Research. Whether we roast and taste coffees in our coffee roastery in Berlin or baristas in faraway countries - the way the coffee is prepared and then tasted is the same everywhere.
Like a sommelier with wine, real professionals recognize completely different taste components. You've probably come across terms like “body”, “acidity” and “sweetness” before. Now you can learn what's behind them.
Sounds exciting? At our roastery in Tempelhof, you can put your taste buds to the test, sip one coffee after another with us, learn the basics of cupping and coffee flavors and exchange ideas with other coffee fans.
Our goodie for you: We give all cupping participants a 20% discount on coffee purchases at our roastery immediately after the cupping.
Duration: 1.5 - 2 hours
Address: Tempelhofer Damm 160
Places: max. 8 participants
Cost: 10 euros